Are your staff using ChatGPT, Claude, Bard Llama, Jasper or any of the other thousands of publicly available AIs out there? Most people aren’t aware of the scope of AI tools that are available today, from video to text, image to video, and more. What’s your policy for their use?

Wellington Street Consulting can educate on, consult about, and implement artificial intelligence (AI) tools for your company. AI uses machine learning algorithms and large-scale language models to take in language and data, then respond to that with useful and relevant data of its own, from text to images, data visualizations, and even PowerPoint presentations.

AI technology is spreading rapidly and constantly evolving. WSC is staying on top of the latest in AI so you don’t have to. As AI companies announce new features and new weaknesses in AI come to light, we’ll help you iterate your policies and curriculum.

AI education and training

There’s no getting around it – AI is everywhere now. So are hype-driven AI-based scams, misinformation, and privacy issues.

If you don’t have an AI usage policy for your company already, you need to develop one. Whether you know it or not, your employees are already using AI tools. It’s best to be clear about your company’s expectations around AI use and establish transparency early, so you can stay on top of how your employees use AI.

Creating an AI policy for your company

Every company has different processes, regulatory requirements, and needs. A one-size-fits-all AI policy won’t necessarily fit your organization. WSC can help you create a bespoke AI policy that addresses your specific goals and concerns.

To create your AI policy, we’ll assess your business to see how your employees are likely to use AI. We’ll look at your processes and information architecture to see where AI could create or expose security or liability risks. We’ll audit your third-party AI vendors for legitimacy and viability. Based on what we see, and what you tell us you need, we’ll help you create a robust AI policy that empowers your employees to use AI tools safely and responsibly.

Educating your employees about AI

Being safe and responsible with AI is great, but what about being more productive? We can help with that too.

WSC can teach your employees:

  • AI basics – what AI really is, and best practices for using it
  • Prompt engineering – how to write AI prompts that generate useful results
  • AI automation – how to save time by automating tasks using AI
  • Which AI tools are available – how to choose the right AI tool/platform based on the advantages and pitfalls of each
  • AI safety – how to know which information is a corporate confidentiality or compliance/regulatory liability and should be kept out of AI prompts

Reach out about AI education and training:

AI consulting

As a Microsoft 365 consultancy, WSC frequently advises clients about AI. After all, Microsoft has its own set of AI tools. Microsoft’s main AI offering is its suite of Copilots. Yes, there’s more than one. WSC can build a strategy for your organization to leverage any of Microsoft’s Copilot offerings, along with Azure OpenAI and other AI tools like ChatGPT, Llama, and Anthropic .

Besides explaining your options and helping you choose the right AI tools for your organization, WSC can build strategies to:

  • Augment Copilot with specific data sets (internal or external) and rules
  • Take advantage of Copilot for employee productivity
  • Use Copilot to improve your business processes
  • Better structure your information architecture to integrate smoothly with AI
  • Deploy Copilot safely, meeting your confidentiality and compliance/regulatory needs
  • Use Azure OpenAI to connect to ChatGPT via API, keeping your data inside your Microsoft tenant

We specialize in productivity and information architecture consulting for AI applications. Take Copilot’s cross-search function, which lets it surface relevant information within products like Word or Teams. This function is very effective – so effective that it often exposes security oversights. For example, if your HR department has set permissions for employee profiles too loosely, your employee searching for files from their coworker Cam might see Cam’s salary and disciplinary history instead!

Wellington Street Consulting can help you avoid these issues by performing a security audit and advising you on information architecture.

Reach out for AI consulting:

AI implementation

Whether you’re just getting started with AI or have advanced, specific needs, WSC can create the solutions you need. We build custom AI – inside and outside Microsoft.

WSC can create AI tools that:

  • Don’t have the privacy concerns of other large public AI’s
  • Can be granted specific access to internal data sets and do trend analysis on them
  • Can automate tasks for your team to get work done faster and more efficiently
  • Come with preset custom guardrails to protect trade secrets and ensure compliance

For example, Wellington Street Consulting can create an AI tool to automate invoice management at your company. An AI invoice management tool can extract data like amounts due, billing addresses, dates, and line items from invoices (even hand-written ones!), then put them into a convenient Excel spreadsheet for your accounting team to process.

Reach out for AI implementation: